Sunday, 2 August 2015

Losing friends in your 20s

20s is the most happening time of anyone's life. It's that period when you achieve independence, grow out of your childishness and start exploring life on your own. It is also that dreaded time of life when you lose friends. There are various reasons why this happens but there are some standard reasons why one loses friends in the 20s.

1. Priorities change
Friends who loved to party all night would have turned into workaholics. Some want to study, some want to work, some want to travel, some want to get married. Whatever the reason, as we grow older every individual is bound to start making individual choices. We are no longer teenagers who give into peer pressure. We accept the fact that different people have different interests and its OK!

2. New relationships
New relationships are beautiful, be it a boy/girlfriend, spouse or even a child. The inevitable truth is that this new relationship is going to be your friends obsession and slowly you start fading into the background. You feel happy for your friend and fade out hoping that someday you find your own obsession.

3. People move out
Work, marriage, travel adventures, there are hundreds of reasons why people move out. Initially, we try hard and stay in touch, but slowly you begin to realise your schedules do not match. You have other things to cater to and slowly fall out of that beautiful relationship.

4. Money!
The biggest evil of all times, money! You or your friend makes money and the other does not. There comes a time of need and you graciously help your friend and that is often the last friendly conversation you will ever have.

5. Unhealthy competitions 
Human emotions are complex, friends will let you down for that promotion and hike. Friends might deceive you in the name of love - cheat on you with your partner. But they say all is fair in love and war. So you just let go and move on, or stay put and take revenge, either ways you have lost yet another friend.

But the good news is, beyond all these reasons you will still have few friends that sail through all the storms with you. They will be your friends for life especially in times of need. Also, the world is a large place, you are bound to make friends with new people as old ones fade out. After all it is human nature to want companionship. So cheers to friendship! The ones that last a few days, months or even years - every friend is special at some point of your life. Cherish the beautiful days spent together :)

A tribute to all those friends I lost over the years - I am grateful for the good times we spent together irrespective of the reason why we are not in touch. 

Happy Friendship Day!


  1. Hey I enjoyed your writings! Yea friends come & go. As a child I did once asked my mother, "Mak, why is it now that I am older, we have less houses to visit during festivities?" My mother answered, "Well, things change my dear, some move to other countries, some we lost touch & some died..." I didn't think about people going away at that age but now that I do know they do, I cherish much those I have left & otherwise I just move on...
